International Womens Day: The confidence of a queen
Hello to all the beautiful, amazing, inspiration women reading this post!
Firstly I'd like to say HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY. I know I haven't done a blog post since 2016 but if you're gonna come into the new year you gotta come with a bang, and I couldn't think of a better day than today to post.
Today is a special day for women all over the world and I hope you're celebrating in your own way. For me personally, International Women's Day is a day to celebrate the inspirational women in your life, the women who helped you form who you are today and continue to inspire you day by day. I'd like to give a shout out to my sisters Alice and Emma, Michelle Obama ( because she's obviously gonna read this lmao) , Janelle Monae, and finally my mother who is forever teaching me what it means to be a woman. She is the main motivation for my blog and instilled good values and confidence in me from a young age. I love you mummy and thank you.
NOW, to the topic I wanted to address today. What does it mean to be a queen? A queen has a responsibility to everyone around her and to herself. To everyone around her she must govern with strength and dignity, a queen should be kind and considerate to others and a queen must do what's best for herself and everyone around her. A queen respects herself and has confidence in herself, walks with her head held high because she has a deeply rooted trust in herself and this reflects as confidence. She is sure of her beauty and appreciates the beauty of others. A queen is royalty and she acts us such. She is not careless with her words nor does she apologise for her honesty. She is hard-working, intelligent in her own way and unwilling to dull her light for the comfort of others.
This is what I wish for myself and for you all. I know that if we can work together and support each other we can get there. No more putting each other down, society does enough of that. Now- today, we have to make a decision: “I want feel the best I’ve ever felt about myself, this year is going to be different. On the international women’s day of 2017 I decided to not only accept myself but to love myself and love others who love themselves. My flaws do not define me, they refine me”.
I will always be honest with my readers, I have not yet reached this stage and although I am on my way there, there are days when I allow myself to be overcome by my insecurities. These days are okay as long as you get back on your journey, it takes time. You are your queen’s keeper – remember to encourage each other.
Finally, remember that you have the potential to do many of the things you put your mind to, remember you are beautiful and remember that you are a queen.