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Admit it...some things are just harder to love

Hey, I know it's been a long time since my last post I've been super busy but I'm back and with a promise to make more time for my blogging! Thank you to everyone who supported my blog so far - I really appreciate it! Anyway, back to the blog...

Often, when people talk about their journey to self love and accepting their flaws they make it sound like an easy, straight, one way road where you end up with Zeus-level confidence at the end of it." I woke up one day and realised that I'm awesome and ever since then nothing has been able to get me down! *cue superhero music* " . When in reality, for most of us there's days where we do wake up feeling awesome and theres other days when we look in the mirror and think " lol what? ". It's not always so easy to take an optimistic view but one thing I've come to realise is one of the most important relationships you can have, if not the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

We spend all day everyday listening to everything we say when we're thinking, even when we are listening to other people we are thinking. That voice inside our heads is internalized and reflected in everything we say and do , which is why we have to make sure it is a positive as possible. It's like this - when you begin a new relationship with someone, after a while there will be some things about them that start to reeaallyy get under your skin and you work at them together...and then there will be other things that they just can't help - like snorting when they laugh - and that will annoy you at first but after time you learn to accept them and soon enough you love them. Accepting yourself is just the same!

Before I started my journey I used to look in the mirror and say " I'm not beautiful because of' X'. Then when I started my journey I graduated to saying " I do love myself but I'd love myself a whole lot more if I didn't have 'X' or if I did have more 'Y' and 'Z'. For example, I've always been really really insecure about my nose shape. It's just so ...unique! It's broad and pointy at the same time and sometimes people would notice and be like "woah" and I'd be like "yeah I know". I used to try and change the way I smiled so my nose wouldn't stretch out so much and only have my head at certain angles in pictures so it didn't look pointy. Until I got tired of it and started to tell myself something every single day. "This is my insecurity, and right now I don't like it but I love me and it's part of me so if I claim to love me, I must love it!" This phrase will change you from the inside out guranteed. It works because it follows a line of logic even you can't deny until one day that phrase will change into "this used to be my insecurity but now I love it". Guess what? Sincce I've started telling myself that now I honestly love my nose because it's my pointy broad nose and it's unique and interesting! It takes time but you'll get there. Some things will take longer than others and that's okay too.

So queens, here is my challenge to you this week, take some time to yourself and think of a couple of the things you don't like about yourself, face them and tell them I'm going to love you soon enough because you're part of me. It will be hard. Oh my god! it will be one of the hardest things you have ever done to admit to yourself the things you don't like because we spend so much of our time running from it! However as cringey as it sounds I swear it helps! Every time you feel your insecurities getting you down tell yourself "This is my insecurity, and right now I don't like it but I love me and it's part of me so if I claim to love me, I must love it!" . Soon enough you will be able to accept them and perhaps even love them

I hope you all have a great couple of weeks! I'll be back with my next blog post soon so stay updated! and don't forget to share with the queens in your life!

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